May 2009


Dances of Universal Peace

"The Music of Love"

Saturday, September 3, 2011
Dancing Peacock Paradise

with DiAnahita & Special Guest from West Palm Beach, Greg Boster leading a Drum Circle after Zikr & QiGong on Sunday morning

Greg Boster Attending Sufi Camp in Mendocino, California, with Lila, Leilah, Bodhi & others, including my original dance leaders in Gainesville, Sylvia & John Middlebrooks, has inspired the theme & fired my enthusiasm for a lively & meaningful day. There will be poetry of Hafiz & Rumi, songs to the Beloved, and the feeling of connection to each other & the Divine.

We will do some wonderful and fun dances
including "Be Nice to Camels"
See some of the lyrics below.

Jackie on stand-up Bass
Mary on Flute & Drum
Greg & DiAnahita on Guitar
Patrick on Shruti Box
someone with ankle bells on!
Dancing Peacock Paradise September 2011
Come early to enjoy the lake & woods & people.

Schedule - Times are approximate

2:00 - 2:45 pm Arrival Enjoy the Lake. § Musicians practice
3:00 - 5:00 Dancing in the house or possibly outside
4:30 - Dinner Setup
5:00 - 5:30 Free time in nature
5:30 Potluck setup at the cottage
6:00 Dinner by the lake at the cottage
7:15 Zikr
8:30 Desserts in the house
9:00 - 9:30 Drum Circle with Greg
Dancing Peacock Paradise, 3 September 2011
Healing Drum Circle

Creating unity and togetherness with the intention of sending vibrations of love and peace out to the universe through the drum.

We create a steady downbeat where everyone may participate from beginner to advanced.

Please bring your drums, shakers, rattles or just dance &/or chant.

We will also have some drums and percussion instruments available.

$10 donation + potluck dish Dancing Peacock Paradise, 3 September 2011 Come early to enjoy the lake & woods & people.

Sunday, Sept 4, 2011

Greg led QiGong on the dock
as the morning mists rose from the lake.

Greg Boster led QiGong

Awakening the Soul Qigong
is a form that is done seated &/or standing.

Dancing Peacock Paradise

Through the practice of Awakening the Soul, you may experience the opening of the heart, the freshness of returning to the beginning, and the simplicity of once again becoming one with nature and the universe. Then, all can experience true love, understand life, and enjoy life fully - body and soul.

Please reserve ahead if you would like to spend the night: $30 per person per night includes lodging, breakfast and optional Sunday activities, such as Qigong, boating, swimming, touring the property, walking the labyrinth, petting the animals (we have Himalayan kittens) and possibly more dancing. Please bring your own linens.

Still cameras are welcome if you share the photos with us. Please do not videotape without permission. No alcohol, drugs, smoke, or litter.

RSVP if attending is helpful.
Please email FLRetreats 'at'
for directions or to join our email list.
Reserve ahead for accommodations:
$30 includes lodging, breakfast & Sunday activities.

Facebook Group: "Dances of Universal Peace Florida"

Dancing Peacock Paradise, 3 September 2011


Blessed always, Blessed always
For the love of God Surrounds us
Let our joy be so triumphant
That we rest in God
And say Amen

Be nice to camels They are really neat.
Be nice to camels, "Cause they have big feet.
Walking together In a caravan
Living together Standing in the sand.

Mohammed loves camels, Feeds them every day
He rides his camels To places fare away.
At night in the desert, They will keep him warm.
Lying together, Sheltered from the storm.

Camels come in sizes, One hump or two
Walking through t the desert, They will carry you.
On long legs they travel, Walking in the sun
Swaying together Moving Toward the One.

Be nice to camels They are really neat.
Be nice to camels, Cause they have big feet.
On long legs they travel, Walking in the sun
Swaying together Moving Toward the One.

Altisimo Corizon, Altisimo Corizon, Altisimo Corizon
Que Floresqua
Que Floresqua la luz, Que Floresqua la luz, Que Floresqua la luz,
Que Floresqua
Ishk Allah Mabood Lillah God is love, lover, and beloved
Ishk Allah Mabood Lillah God is love, lover, and beloved
Hu Allah, Hu Al-lah, Hu Allah Hu Allah, Hu Al-lah, Hu Al-lah

Ahavah Raba ahava raba Ahavtanu
Ahavah Raba ahava raba Ahavtanu
With a great love God has loved us
Ahavah raba Ahavtanu
With a great love God has loved us
Ahavah raba Ahavtanu

Only Love is Flowing here Only Love is Flowing here
Only Love is Flowing here Only Love is Flowing here
La illaha il Allah La illaha il Allah
La illaha il Allah La illaha il Allah

Come comeUnity, Come comeUnity
Weave our lives together in Love
Come comeUnion, Come comeUnion
Yoke our hearts and minds as One

Open Dances of Universal Peace Evening
with Lila & Allaudin in Florida

7-10 pm, Friday, September 30, 2011
Ocala Conference Center, Silver Springs, Florida
Phone - (352) 236-2302

Join our large, friendly group for dancing, laughter, music, singing & dancing. Desserts afterwards.